AU Training & Placement Office

  • NAME : Mr. V.R. Reddy
  • DESIGNATION : Director (Placements), A.U. College of Arts & Commerce , A.U. College of Science and Technology, A.U. College of Law, A.U. College of Pharmaceutical Sciences
  • MOBILE : +91 9989010630
  • E-Mail:

The Andhra University Placement Cell – South Campus represents a strategic endeavor initiated by Andhra University. Our mission encompasses:

  • Providing career guidance
  • Offering mentorship
  • Equipping students with competence, confidence, and character
  • Equipping students with competence, confidence, and character

OurPlacement Cell – South Campusis dedicated to strategic planning, long-term policy formulation, the creation of competency development programs, and the cultivation of strong corporate relationships.

Your Gateway to Successful Careers:

Welcome to our comprehensive placement platform, where we connect talent with opportunities in diverse fields. At Andhra University, we're dedicated to guiding and supporting students and job seekers in their pursuit of fulfilling careers in Chemistry, Science & Technology, Pharmacy, Management, Arts & Commerce, and Law.

At Andhra University, we are dedicated to your success. We connect students and job seekers with opportunities that align with their unique skills, passions, and career goals. For employers, we provide access to a pool of talented individuals across these diverse disciplines.

Your journey to a successful career in Chemistry, Science and Technology, Pharmacy, Management, Arts and commerce, or Law begins here. Let us be your bridge to a brighter future.

Unlock Talent at Andhra University - Join Our Campus Recruitment Program

Are you seeking top-tier talent to drive your organization's success? Look no further! Andhra University is proud to invite forward-thinking companies and organizations to participate in our Campus Recruitment Program.

At Andhra University we nurture a diverse pool of exceptional students and graduates who are not only academically accomplished but also possess the practical skills and innovation needed to excel in the dynamic world of work. Our commitment to academic excellence, coupled with a strong focus on holistic development, has produced graduates who are well-prepared to meet the challenges of today's job market.

Why Choose Andhra University Graduates?

  • Academic Excellence: Our students consistently rank among the best in their fields, ensuring a strong foundation of knowledge.
  • Holistic Development: Beyond academics, our students receive comprehensive training in soft skills, communication, and leadership, making them adaptable and effective team players.
  • Innovation and Adaptability: Andhra University encourages a culture of innovation, critical thinking, and adaptability, ensuring our graduates can thrive in any professional environment.
  • Global Perspective: Our diverse student body brings a global perspective to their work, making them assets in a globalized workforce.
  • What We Offer Recruiters:

    • Tailored Recruitment Process: We work closely with employers to understand their specific needs, ensuring a seamless and efficient hiring process.
    • Internship Opportunities: If you're looking for short-term talent, we also offer internship opportunities that allow students to gain experience in your organization.
    • Campus Facilities: Utilize our state-of-the-art facilities for interviews, presentations, and assessments.
    • Networking Opportunities: Connect with our faculty, students, and alumni network to foster lasting partnerships.

    Join Us in Shaping the Future

    By partnering with Andhra University, you're not just hiring employees; you're investing in the future of your organization. Our graduates are equipped with the skills, knowledge, and values that will help your company thrive.

    To learn more about our Campus Recruitment Program and explore the possibilities of collaboration, please get in touch with our Placement Cell We look forward to a mutually beneficial partnership that will drive your organization to new heights with the talented individuals from Andhra University.

    Shape the future with Andhra University - where excellence meets opportunity.

    Contact: -

    • V.R. Reddy (Director -Placement Cell – South Campus) - +919989010630
    • P. Mohan Ganesh (Placement Officer – Arts & Commerce) - +919494521752
    • P. Srinivas Reddy (Placement Co-Ordinator) - +918121365580
    • Email: -