Page 4 - AU_93_Annual Report
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S.No. Page No.
I University at a Glance : 1
II. Genesis and Growth : 8
III. Academic Activities
1. Students enrolled in the University during the current
academic year : 9
2. Seminars/Conferences/Workshops Organized & Attended : 9
3. Research Publications : 10
IV. Particulars of Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff
V. Extension, Outreach & Student Activities
1. Students placements in the Corporate Sector : 13
2. Sports in the University : 13
3. National Service Scheme (NSS) : 14
4. National Cadet Corps (NCC) : 15
VI. Research and Development : 17
VII. Academic Distinctions : 19
VIII. Major Events : 22
IX. Academic Outreach
1. UGC - Human Resource Development Centre : 23
2. Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) : 23
3. Consultancy Projects : 24
4. School of Distance Education : 25
X. Central Facilities : 26
XI. International Relations : 27
XII. College Development Council : 29
XIII. Alumni and Corporate Relation : 30
XIV. Infrastructure Development : 31
XV. University Finance : 32
XVI Statutory Bodies : 35
XVII. Student Performance (Statistical Data) 37