The combined Colleges of Arts, Science and Technology was established in 1931-32 with Padmabhushan Mamidipudi Venkata Rangayya as the Founder Principal. Afterwards the College of Arts & Commerce was carved out from the combined colleges in the year 1966. Strong foundations for this college were laid by the eminent personalities like Sir.J.C. Coyajee, Prof. V. S. Krishna, Prof.B. Sarveswara Rao, Prof. G. Partha sarathi, Prof. K.V. Sivayya and by all other Principals. Due to their efforts, this college is emerged as the biggest constituent college of the Andhra University. Currently the college is having 203 teaching faculty members and 105 administrative and supporting staff members.
Every year a good number of research scholars are being qualified for UGC NET, JRF and A.P.SET examinations. Significant number of research scholars are awarded with UGC and ICSSR Post Doctoral Fellowships. It is significant to mention that more than 100 scholars hailing from different countries like Ethiopia, Nepal, Bhutan,Afganisthan,Kenya,Nigeria,Sudan and Srilanka have been doing research for their doctoral degrees.
The College is equipped with 21 academic departments i.e. Anthropology; Commerce & Management Studies ; Economics ; Education ; English ; Fine Arts ; Hindi; History and Archaeology ; Journalism and Mass Communication, ; Library and Information Science, Music and Dance,; Philosophy, Political Science & Public Administration ; Physical Education and Sports Sciences; Sanskrit ; Social Work ; Sociology ; Telugu, Theatre Arts and Yoga & Consciousness
The College is offering 26 different PG programmes such as Master of Arts in Anthropology, Economics, Education, English, Hindi, History and Archaeology, Library and Information Science, Music and Dance, Philosophy, Political Science & Public Administration, Physical Education and Sports Scieces, Sanskrit, Social Work, Sociology and Telugu, Yoga and Consciousness , M.Com, M.B.A., (M.B.A. Retail Management and M.B.A. Banking and Financial Services), Master of Journalism and Mass Communication (MJMC), Master of Human Resource Management (MHRM)and Fine Arts
The college is also offering : 3 Under Graduate Programs,: Bachelor of Education (B.Ed.) ; Bachelor of Fine Arts (B.F.A.) and Bachelor of Special Education(Visual Impairment). In addition to that PG Diploma Programs i.e., PG Diploma in Yoga and Diploma in French, Diploma in Yoga , Diploma in German ,Diploma in Acting and Diploma in Direction.
Several departments in the College made pioneering beginnings and significant contributions since their inception. For the first time in the country, the University started an Honours Program in Commerce in 1934, and MBA (Full-Time) Programme in 1957. The Department of Economics was the first in the country to start MA course in Mathematical Economics in 1944. Likewise, the Department of English was the first in the Country to introduce Indian Writing in English and American Literature as compulsory papers . MA programmes in Social work and Parapsychology were started at Andhra University for the first time in the Country in 1957 and 1967 respectively. The University introduced a Ph.D. programme in Journalism which once again in the first of its kind in the Country. Recently the college introduced innovative vocational programs like MBA Retail Management, MBA Banking and Finance, Master of Fine Arts, M.A. Dance, Theatre Arts and several Diploma courses in Foreign Languages.
In addition to the above academic departments, the Colleges of Arts and Commerce supports the following Research Centers/Institutes to carryout research in selected fields or to offer specific services. They are : Centre for Agro-Economic Research(AERC), Centre for Women’s Studies, Population Research Cenre (PRC), Centre for Study Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Centre for Gandhian Studies, Japanese Study Centre and Institute for Yoga and Consciousness
Many faculty members of the Arts Colleges have made rich academic contributions both at the National and International levels. Prof. K. Satchidananda Murty was honored with Padmavibhushan, Prof. K. Rama Krshna Rao and Prof. Y.Lakshmi Prasad with Padmasri by the Government of India. A number of former teachers of the Arts College like Prof. Srinivasa lyengar , Prof. K. Satchidananda Murty , Prof. K.V. Ramana , Prof. Y.C. Simhadri , Prof. K. Ramakrishna Rao , Prof. B. Sarveswara Rao , Prof. R.V.R. Chandra Sekhara Rao , Dr. M. Gopalakrishna Reddy, Prof.C.V.Raghavulu, Prof. K.S. Chalam, Prof. M. Gangadhara Rao, Prof. O.R.Reddy, Prof.V. Balamohandas, Prof. G. Subrahmanyam, Prof. C. Ratnam, Prof. J.V. Prabhakara Rao,,Prof. Smt. Nirupa Rani and Prof. George Victor assumed the Vice-Chancellorship of various Universities. A few teachers of this college have also been honored with coveted positions in Government/Semi-Government organizations. Prominent among them include : Prof.K.S. Chalam, Member of UPSC, New Delhi., Prof. K.C. Reddy Chairman, AP State Council of Higher Education, Prof. U. Tataji and Prof. P. Vijayaprakash Vice-Chairmans of AP State Council of Higher Education. Similarly Prof. G. Suryanarayana, Chairman and Prof. Paddaiah Members of APPSC respectively, while Prof. R. Sudarsana Rao, nominated a Member of State Finance Commission by the Government of Andhra Pradesh.
The academic departments of the college are carrying out a number of National/ International research projects and collaborative research programs with various organisations. The Faculty members are continously publishing research papers in various National and International peer reviewed journals. The faculty recieved serval prestigious awards amd produced significant number of doctoral degrees
Regarding the placements more than 50 per cent of the students on average are able to get campus placements and remaining are able to get placements through different competitive and other examinations. The alumni of the different departments occupied prominent positions in several fields of activities particularly in professional, technical and managerial services in the corporate sector both in India and abroad. They also occupied higher positions in the field of politics for Ex. Prof Sarvepalli Radha Krishna , President of India during 1962 to 1967. Sri M. Venkaya Naidu , Vice President of India during 2017 to 2022