Page 16 - AU_93_Annual Report
P. 16

Number of positions in the University

                    Position                                  Teaching Faculty
                                      Professor         Associate          Assistant           Total
                                                        Professor          Professor
               Sanctioned by
               the UGC /
                                         83                163                690               936
               University / State

               Recruited                 224                23                77                324
               Yet to Recruit            52                 78                482               612

               Number of Non-Teaching Staff (officers, Ministerial, Technical and
                S. No.      Category of      No. of posts         No. of posts filled up        No. of posts
                         Non-teaching staff   sanctioned      Under direct      By promotion       vacant
                 1.     Officers                  36               ---               04              03

                 2.     Ministerial              959               ---               77             205

                 3.     Technical                561               ---               28             461

                 4.     Others                   1695              ---               13             1120

               Number of Non-teaching staff working on temporary basis – Ministerial,

               Technical and others (Daily wage, Consolidated basis,                   NMR         basis,
               Out-sourcing basis.
                          Category of                        No. of staff working more than
                                             Nature of
                S. No.   Non-teaching       engagement       10 years    Less than    Total   No. of qualified
                             staff                                        10 years
                                          Minimum Time
                  1       Ministerial                           89           ---       89           89
                                          Minimum Time
                  2        Technical                            08           ---       08           08
                                          Minimum Time
                  3         Others                              145         328        473         110
                                            Daily Wage
                  4         Others                              148         250        398         105
                                         (28 days category)
                  5        Technical      Consolidated Pay      ---          26        26           26

                  6         Others        Consolidated Pay      ---         134        134          ---

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