Page 17 - AU_93_Annual Report
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5. Extension, Outreach & Student Activities

               The Students of Andhra University enjoy an array of activities on campus. These activities enhance
               students  proficiency  in  critical  thinking,  problem  solving,  and  communication,  thereby  increasing
               their ability to contribute to the positive and productive social experience. Some of the significant

               achievements of the students of the University are as follows:

               1.  Students placements in the Corporate Sector:

                 S.No.           Name of the College         No. of Companies       No. of Students Got
               1.        College of Arts, Commerce                   14                     40
               2.        College of Science and Technology           40                     855
               3.        College of Engineering (A)                  20                     228

               4.        College of Engineering for Women            20                     128

               5.        College of Pharmaceutical Sciences          11                     39
               6.        Dr.B.R.Ambedkar College of Law              3                       3
                                    Grand Total                     108                    1293

               2.  Sports in the University:

                                                    The  academic  activity  at  the  University  began  on  1   July,
                                                    2019. As usual the MPEd I & III semesters commenced and

                                                    they  went  on  to  complete  II  &  IV  semesters,  as  per  the
                                                    Academic Calendar of A.U. College of Arts & Commerce.

                                                    The proposal for starting of three months certificate course
                                                    “Fitness  Trainer”  for  unemployed  youth  and  defence
                                                    personnel  was  submitted  to  the  Standing  Committee  of

                                                    Academic Senate and permission was accorded to start from
               the academic year 2019-20.  A total number of 15 Ph.Ds in Physical Education were awarded from 1-

               7-2018 to 1-7-2019 and four Scholars submitted their Ph.D. theses.

               Students Hostels and Facilities:

               The University has 25 Hostels for students, from India and abroad, which accommodates more than
               7,500 students.

               The New events to be introduced are:

               In  addition  to  the  48  teams  of  Men  and  Women  in  Andhra  University,  the  AU  Sports  Board  is

               planning to add another couple of games for the academic year 2018-19. The University has set a

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