Page 20 - AU_93_Annual Report
P. 20

4.  Students  participating  in  extension  activities  with  Government  Organisations,  Non-
                   Government  Organisations  and  programmes  such  as  Swachh  Bharat,  Aids  Awareness,
                   Gender Issue, etc. during the academic year

                                                                               Number of      Number of
                                      Organising unit/
                    Name of the           agency/            Name of the      coordinated    participated
                      scheme           collaborating           activity         in such         in such
                                                                                activities     activities
                Swachh Bharat       GVMC, Vizag          Swachh Bharat             3              43
                Sewa Campaign

                Jnanabheri          Govt. of A.P.                                  2              68
                Protest against     Police Department,
                Asifa’s             Visakhapatnam,AP     Rally                     10             90

               5.  Details of participation of students in national level / international level events.

                S.No            Name of the Student                               Event

                  1.   B. Priyanka,                             ALL INDIA Girls trecking expedition (2019)
                       P. Keerthi                                              NILGIRLS.

                  2.   N. Dikshit Chandra,                         INFANTRY ARMY Attachment Camp,
                       Y. Jaya Prakash                                      Secunderabad, 2018

               6.  Distinction in cultural activities (university / national level / international level)

                S.No       Name of the                                  Event

                1.     R. Snehitha,         First in Solo Classical dance performance in CATC-11 Camp, NCC,
                       AUCEW                Andhra University.

               7.  Distinction in literary, quiz, academic competitions (State level / national level /
                   international level)
                S.No         Name of the Student/ Name of the college            Award/achievement
                1.     S.Geetika Sai, AUCEW – Lines Club                   Certificate and Cash prize
                2.     V.Hema, AUCEW                                       Certificate and Award

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