Page 27 - AU_93_Annual Report
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9. Academic Outreach

               1.  UGC - Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC)
               The UGC-HRDC is designed to enable the teacher to discover his/her role in the total social, intellectual,
               economic and moral universe within which s/he functions. The following are the details of the programmes
               organized in the UGC-HRDC during 2018-19:

                                                                                             Number of
                S.No.             Name of the Course              From           To
                 1.     Orientation Course                      25-05-2018   21-06-2018          26
                 2.     STC on Research Methodology             16-07-2018   21-07-2018          52
                 3.     RC in Computer Sciences                 27-08-2018   16-09-2018          50
                 4.     STC on Computer Applications            08-10-2018   14-10-2018          34
                 5.     IDRC in Indian Language & Literature    12-11-2018   02-12-2018          33
                 6.     IDRC in Commerce & Management           26-11-2018   16-12-2018          30
                 7.     STC on Personal Development Programme   31-01-2019   02-02-2019          25
                        for Non-Academic Staff
                 8.     Orientation Course                      06-02-2019   05-03-2019          28
                 9.     IDRC in Environmental Sciences          11-03-2019   31-03-2019          49

               2.  Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) :
               Andhra University has established the IQAC in the year 2005 under NAAC guidelines. The university
               designed and implemented Quality Management System successfully and became the first general state
               university  in  the  country  to  attain  ISO  9001:2015  certification  in  2018.  Andhra  University  has  been
               reaccredited by the NAAC in the year 2016 and awarded A grade with CGPA of 3.60 on 4 point scale for 7
               years (upto 2023).

               Important Activities Undertaken by IQAC during the year:
               1.  The  administration  has  chosen  20  faculty  members  from  all  the  constituent  colleges  and  provided
                   Internal Auditors training during 6  – 7  July 2018 according to the new ISO 9001:2015 standard so
                   as to enable them to conduct internal audits.
               2.    Conducted Internal Audit of all the Top Management, Principal offices, departments, research centers,
                   examination centers with respect to the ISO 9001:2015 during 4   to 15  April 2019.
               3.    As  a  part  of  ISO  certification,  TUV  SUD  auditors  conducted  Survellience  ISO  audit  in  Andhra
                   University during 30-09-2019 and 14-10-2019 August 2019.
               4.    Student Feedbacks for the year 2017-2018 were collected and evaluated.
               5.    Conducted IQAC Advisory Committee meeting on 12 September 2018 at EC hall, CAO, AU.
               6.    The  office  of  IQAC  has  applied  to  various  National/International  agencies  and  Andhra  University
                   secured ranks as given in the table below

                                                                                         R Ra an nk ki in ng gs s
                S S. .N No o. .             R Ra an nk ki in ng g   A Ag ge en nc cy y
                                                                                            2 20 01 18 8- -1 19 9
                 1.     Q QS S   B BR RI IC CK K   R Ra an nk ki in ng g                 3 35 51 1- -4 40 00 0
                 2.     Q QS S   w wi it th hi in n   I In nd di ia a                       4 47 7
                 3.     Q QS S   - -I IG GU UA AG GE E                          D Di ia am mo on nd d   R Ra at ti in ng g   f fo or r   3 3   y ye ea ar rs s
                                                                                             t th h
                 4.     N NI IR RF F   R Ra an nk ki in ng g   ( (U Un ni iv ve er rs si it ty y   c ca at te eg go or ry y   ) )     1 16 6
                                                                                             t th h
                 5.     O Ov ve er ra al ll l   C Ca at te eg go or ry y                   2 29 9
                                                                                             t th h
                 6.     A AU U   P Ph ha ar rm ma ac ce eu ut ti ic ca al l   S Sc ci ie en nc ce e     3 34 4
                                                                                             t th h
                 7.     A AU U   E En ng gi in ne ee er ri in ng g   C Co ol ll le eg ge e     5 59 9
                                                                                             t th h
                 8.     D Dr r. .B B. .R R. .   A Am mb be ed dk ka ar r   C Co ol ll le eg ge e   o of f   L La aw w     1 15 5

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