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10. Central Facilities

               1.  Dr.  V.  S.  Krishna  Library  has  60,000  sq.  ft.
                   (5574.18 sq. m.) of Carpet area.  Besides the work and
                   stock  areas,  each  section  has  seating  and  reading
                   facility to enable the user to choose and refer to the
                   books  comfortably.    The  library  is  effectively  using
                   SOUL  software.    Special  facilities  are  provided  for
                   differently abled persons.  A separate unit of books in
                   Braille  has  been  developed  for  visually  challenged
                   students.  Reprographic facilities are provided.
               2.  Agro Economic Research Centre (1968) was established to endeavour research in Agricultural
                   Economics in the states of Andhra Pradesh and Odisha. It has played a crucial role in the Policy
                   formulation of agricultural and rural development for nearly four decades.
               3.  Centre  for  Studies  on  Bay  of  Bengal  (2004)  has  been  established  as  an  advanced  Research
                   Center  to  study  the  Bay  of  Bengal  and  its  environs.  This  centre  has  Collaborative  academic
                   programs with several universities, organizations, industries.
               4.  Centre for NANO Technology(2001) has vision to create, establish and sustain a Nano Science
                   and  technology  under  Center  of  Excellence  at  AUCE(A).    It  has  wide  Collaborations  with
                   educational institutes, industrial, R&D organizations and foreign universities
               5.  Centre for SAARC Studies (May 1987) has been pursuing research on SAARC countries.  The
                   Centre is now under the sixth plan/ phase: 2014-2019 and is striving to establish a strong research
                   base on South Asian studies.
               6.  Delta  Studies  Institute  (June  1997)  was  conceptualised  by  ONGC  and  OIDB  to  provide
                   scientific and technical support for optimal and exploitation of natural resources of the deltaic
               7.  Gandhian Studies Centre (2004) was established to propagate Gandhian ideals among students,
                   staff and general public and conduct research on Gandhism.
               8.  Population  Research  Centre  (1978)  was  established
                   by The  Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GoI, to
                   research on various demographic, social and economic
                   aspects of population growth in Andhra Pradesh.
               9.  Dr.  Durgabai  Deshmukh  Centre  for  Women's
                   Studies  (1987)  was  established  with  the  objective  to
                   undertake research related to women and gender issues.
               10. Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive
                   Policy  (2007)  was  established  to  address  the  issue  of
                   social exclusion and evolve strategies for inclusive growth.
               11. AU-APSSDC- Siemens Centre of Excellence is initiated  to impact skill development in youth
                   and increase employability.
               12. Advanced Analytical Laboratory- A National facility (2009) was established to help faculty
                   and scholars to carry out globally competitive R&D in basic and applied sciences.
               13. Centre for Cyber Security and Data Analytics at Andhra University (2016) is a facility set up
                   in A.U. for conducting training programs and workshops with hands-on experience with the thrust
                   area being Information Security and Data Analytics.
               14. Prof.  K.  Satchidananda  Murty  Centre  for  Religious  Studies  offers  student  /  Ph.D.  Scholar
                   exchange program in the area of religious studies, to conduct national seminars on the same.
               15. Computer  Centre  is  to  provide  complete,  latest  and  cost-effective  solution  to  all  IT  enabled
                   activities in the University. Besides, there is an extensive effort to provide a central computing
                   facility  with  Network  Server  for  all  the  students  as  well  as  staff  of  the  University  to  provide
                   Internet and Wifi facility.
 SEM with EDS   16. Dr. B. R. Ambedkar Centre Study was established to study and research on the ideologies of
                   Dr. B.R. Ambedkar in student community.

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