Page 33 - AU_93_Annual Report
P. 33
12. College Development Council (CDC)
Composition and Meetings of the CDC
CDC comprises various stake holders from the academic community including University Affiliated
Colleges. The important activities of the CDC are monitoring the academic functioning of affiliated
colleges by deputing inspection commissions through college visits for various purposes like grant of
affiliation, sanction of new courses, enforcement of norms etc., addressing the grievances of students
and to report the same to Dean, CDC & inturn to the Vice-Chancellor.
Survey on the number of existing colleges and requirement of colleges in the jurisdiction –
District and Mandal wise
The colleges affiliated to Andhra University work as per the guidelines of the University. The
colleges, in general, have been following the norms by way of obtaining permission from the CDC for
various purposes - grant of affiliation, sanction of new courses etc.
New Colleges affiliated and new courses sanctioned during the year 2018-19
Four private Unaided Degree colleges obtained sanction to start nine UG Courses; Three new PG
courses have been sanctioned during the 2018 – 19 in the existing colleges.
Number of Colleges in the District
S.No Type of college Colleges in the district
Vizianagaram Visakhapatnam Srikakulam E.G.Dist W/G.Dist
1. Degree Colleges 80 131 0 0 0
2. B.Ed. Colleges 30 27 0 0 0
3. Law Colleges 01 04 0 0 0
4. Engineering 01 05 0 0 0
5. Pharmacy 04 04 01 07 05
6. Physical 02 02 0 0 0
7. M.Ed. 01 01 0 0 0
8. PG and P.G 16 P.G 29
Professional MBA 01 MBA 11 0 0 0
Colleges MCA 01 MCA 07
Number of institutions affiliated to the university as on 30-06-2019
Type of College Total Permanent Autonomous Temporary
Arts, Science and Commerce 176 29 06 211
B.Ed. 57 0 0 57
Law 04 01 0 05
Engineering 05 0 01 06
Pharmacy 20 0 01 21
Physical Education 04 0 0 04
M.Ed. 02 0 0 02
12 0 0 12
Management 45 0 0 45
07 01 0 08
Total 332 31 08 371
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