Page 61 - AU_93_Annual Report
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Appendix - 3
Research Projects
S.No. Name of the Funding Agency Title Amount
Investigator &
1. Prof.P.Rama Rao DST-NRDMS Generation of Digital Data & GIS Base 10,00,000/-
Dept. of Geophysics Maps on Urban Property and Settlements
2. Prof.K. Niranjan, PI SAC-ISRO- Atmospheric Boundary Layer network and Funds not
Dept. of Physics GBP-NOBLE Characterization released
3. Prof.P.Jagadeeswara DST-NRDMS Geospatial study on Coastal Erosion and 5,00,000/-
Rao, Geo-Engg. Mangrove degradation in the Krishna-
Godavari Delta Region, A.P. India.
In Progress
1. Dr.D.Santosh Kumar, DST-SERB Mitochondrial bioenergetics: substrate 35,31,264/-
FRP UGC, Project selection and utilization in normal and
Assistant Professor, diabetic hearts-a theoretical study
Chemical Engg.
2. Dr.K.Vaisakh DST-SERB Teachers Associate ship for Research 18,30,000/-
Electrical Engg. Project Excellence (TARE)
3. Prof.SSVS Rama DST-MRDP Regional scale climate change assessment 33,00,000/-
Krishna, over India and their impacts on agriculture
Meteorology & over Andhra Pradesh
4. Prof.P.RAMA RAO INCOIS-COSF Location specific ocean state forecast of 4,32,354/-
Geo-Physics AP Coast
5. Prof.P.RAMA RAO INCOIS-MFAS Observation and model parameterisation 7,61,775/-
Geo-Physics for improvement of North A.P. coast
6. Prof.P.RAMA RAO NCCR/MOES/IC Ecosystem based services and approach for Funds not
Geo-Physics MAM management of coastal areas released
7. Prof.P.Rama Rao GVMC Generation of Digital Data & GIS Base 78,01,970/-
Geo-Physics Maps on Urban Property and Settlements
8. Prof.K.V.S.R Prasad NCCR/MOES/IC Coastal process & shoreline management 51,50,000/-
Meteorology & MAM along Indian coast
9. Prof.B.B.V.Sailaja NRSC PROJECT Air-Sea fluxes of carbon dioxide from the 16,60,000/-
Inorganic & coastal Bay of Bengal: influence of
Analytical Chemistry physical and biogeochemical processes
10. Prof.P.Rajendra DST-NRDMS- Development of the framework for 6,50,000/-
Prasad VIS Networking Programme on Village
Information System(VIS)-
11. Prof. K.V.S.R. Prasad, SAC-ISRO- Development of an Automated Rip Current 10,94,000/-
PI SAMUDRA Prediction System using Diagnostic
Dept. of Meteorology Models, Satellite Data and Field
& Oceanography Observation