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12.   Prof. K.V.S.R. Prasad.  SAC-ISRO-SAR  Application of Satellite and Observational   Funds not
                     PI,                                    Data  to  Understand  Coastal  Processes   released
                     Dept.  of  Meteorology                 Responsible for the Coastal Erosion along
                     & Oceanography                         the East Coast of India
                 13.   Prof. K. Niranjan, PI   SAC-ISRO-    Atmospheric Boundary Layer network and   Funds not
                     Dept. of Physics       GBP-NOBLE       Characterization                        released
                 14.   Prof. K.V.S.R. Prasad,  Naval Research   Transmission loss variability due to   6,07,720/-
                     Dept of Meteorology    Board (NRB)     internal tides simulated using an integrated
                     & Oceanography                         model
                 15.    Prof. S. B. Padal,   DBT -DOS       Biodiversity characterisation at community   Funds not
                     PI, DBT-DOS,             PROJECT       level in india using earth observation data   released
                 16.   Dr.P.Shyamala, PI,    MOES-ICMAM     Sea  water  quality  monitoring  (coastal   8,79,000/-
                     Department of PNCO                     research scheme)
                 17.   Dr. P. Shyamala,     DRDO-CARS       In  depth  investigative  studies  on  novel   80,00,000/-
                     Principal investigator,                synthetic  process  of  c6  perfluoro  ketone
                     Prof.Y.L.N.Murthy,                     (novec1230)  for  up  scaling  (optimization,
                     Co-PI                                  recycling, &economic viability)
                     Department of PNCO
                 18.   Prof.K.P.Subba       ICSSR Project   Education of the Children of Fishermenin   4,00,000/-
                     Rao(Rtd), Director,                    the  Coastal Districts  of  Andhra Pradesh  -
                     Department of                          An Ethnographic Study
                 19.   Dr.K.Venkata Ramana      DST         Commercially and medicinally important   Amount not
                     Botany                 (Department of   rare evergreen tree species,          yet released
                                              Science &     Litseadeccanensis is gamble and litter
                                             Technology)    glutonosa C.B.Rob.
                 20.   Ms.A.Sarada              DST         Formulation and optimization of PH
                     Pharmaceutical         (Department of   Sensitive peroral dosage forms for chrome   12,00,000/-
                     Science                  Science &     endoscopy of GASTRO intestinal tract.
                 21.   Mrs.W.Anjani Uma         DST         Synthesis and evaluation of novel
                     Rani Pharmaceutical    (Department of   diary/hetero aryl pyrrolemannich bases as   9,96,000/-
                     Science                  Science &     potent anti-depressant agents.
                 22.   Mrs.P.Suneeta            DST         Implementation of the advanced           7,25,000/-
                     Meteorology &          (Department of   cyclogenesis index for north Indian ocean
                     Oceanography             Science &     under climate change scenario
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