- Name : Prof. P. Mallikarjuna Rao
- Designation : Dean, Andhra University TDR-HUB
- Email:deanautdrh@andhrauniversity.edu.in
Transdisciplinary Research
Transdisciplinary Research is defined as research efforts conducted by investigators from different disciplines working jointly to create new conceptual, theoretical, methodological and translational innovations that integrate and move beyond discipline-specific approaches to address a common, societal and industrial problem.
This is the first of its kind transformational approach where inter & intra departmental knowledge be converged towards augmentation of new knowledge at borders and cross sections of erstwhile siloed disciplines in order to arrive at solutions for global challenges.
The AU TDR-HUB strives to identify the investigators from different disciplines and creates an ecosystem to work jointly towards providing novel solutions to the contemporary problems / issues.
The AU TDR-HUB creates a better platform through which innovative and sustainable ideas can be addressed.
The AU TDR-HUB encourages multi-disciplinary approaches to create novel conceptual, theoretical, methodological, and translational innovations that integrate and move beyond discipline-specific approaches to address common problems.
The AU TDR-HUB helps the investigators to identify Transdisciplinary Research Areas (TRAs) for exploration and innovation in research and teaching at the Andhra University. Outstanding researchers collaborate across faculties and focus on key scientific, technological and social issues of the current and future
The AU TDR-HUB seeks to create new paradigms for scholars of constituent colleges of this university through innovative transdisciplinary research and practices.
The AU TDR-HUB emphasizes the kind of transdisciplinary research design that alters discipline-specific approaches, sharing resources and integrating disciplines.
The AU TDR-HUB aimsto explore the vast interfaces of thought, atmosphere, movement, materiality, and creative imagination.
The AU TDR-HUB exploresthe unique integration between literature, anthropology, psychoanalysis, cultural studies, media theory, the arts, sciences, design, engineering and vernacular knowledge by engaging with strategies that capture complexity, cultivate new ecologies of knowledge, and affect individual and collective transformations.
The AU TDR-HUB features necessary cross traditional academic disciplines. It provides a common platform to work across a number of different disciplines within a given research problem. Transdisciplinary research not only draws on multiple disciplines to provide the knowledge base to address problems of sustainability rather it actively involves researchers from multiple disciplines in a shared process of defining and resolving these problems
Aspirants of Ph.D. Program may even choose A. U. TDR - HUB to pursue their doctoral research. However, admissions are allowed only through A.P.R-CET centralised counselling along with departmental admissions of the University
On successful completion of the Doctoral research under A.U. TDR - HUB, the candidate shall be awarded Ph.D. Degree by Andhra University Under the faculty in which the Scholar pursued his / her Masters Degree