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16. Statutory Bodies
The University functions as per the provisions of Andhra Pradesh State University Act. The Governor
of Andhra Pradesh is the Chancellor of all the state Universities and the Vice-Chancellor is the Chief
Executive of the University. The authorities of the University include statutory bodies like Academic
Senate, Executive Council, Standing Council of the Academic Senate, Finance Committee and
Planning and Monitoring Board for which the Vice-Chancellor is the Chairman. Administrative
Manual of the University defines the roles and responsibilities of various functionaries in the
University. The Vice-Chancellor being the head of the institution provides leadership in all spheres.
The administrative structure of the University includes the Offices of the Rector, Registrar, Principals
of the campus colleges, Deans of Faculties, Chair persons of the Board of Studies, Heads of
Departments, Finance Officer, Controller of Examinations and other officers.
Composition of the Executive Council
The Executive body is the apex body for governance of the University and the members of the
executive council during 2017-18 are:
S.No Name and Address Designation
1 Prof. G. Nageswara Rao
Vice – Chancellor
Andhra University Chairman
2 Prof. K. Gayathri Devi
Andhra University Member
3 Sri. Aditya Nath Das, I.A.S.
Principal Secretary to Government
Higher Education Department Member
Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
4 Sri G.S. Panda Das, I.A.S.
Collegiate Education
Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
Dr. Sujatha Sharma I.A.S. (from 19.03.2018 )
Collegiate Education,
Govt. of Andhra Pradesh
5 Sri. Muddada Ravichandra I.A.S.
Secretary to Government Member
Finance Department
Govt. of A.P.
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