Page 49 - AU_93_Annual Report
P. 49
BC 0 317 176 493
SC 0 83 65 148
ST 0 9 9 18
Mus. Min. 0 10 15 25
Chri. Min. 0 18 10 28
Other Min. 0 0 0 0
Total 0 0 0 709 536 1245
Grand Total (A + B) 1905 1378 3283 1334 1413 2747
14. Enrolment of Students in 1st Year Conventional UG & PG Courses
in Private unaided Colleges
Total no. of Students in the 1st Total no. of Students in the
Name of Year UG 1st Year PG
S.No. the Social
course Background Enrolled Enrolled
Boys Girls Total Boys Girls Total
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
A Conventional Courses
OC 1792 2075 3867 285 329 614
BC 6364 5914 12278 642 514 1156
SC 764 696 1460 150 115 265
ST 817 577 1394 54 39 93
Mus. Min. 81 114 195 19 21 40
Chri. Min. 46 37 83 23 15 38
Other Min. 0 0 0 0 0 0
Total 9864 9413 19277 1173 1033 2206
Final Total of Conventional
B Professional Courses
OC 1775 1084 2859 970 704 1674
BC 2084 1145 3229 905 638 1543
SC 669 405 1074 345 150 495
ST 238 151 389 27 22 49
Mus. Min. 112 52 164 54 26 80
Chri. Min. 102 56 158 36 39 75
Other Min. 104 45 149 17 0 17
Total 5084 2938 8022 2354 1579 3933
Final Total of Professional
Grand Total (A + B) 14948 12351 27299 3527 2612 6139
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