- Name : Prof. K.Niranjan
- Designation : Honorary Director
Centre for Defence Studies - Email:director.cds@andhrauniversity.edu.in
Andhra University, admiring the sacrifice of the National heroes in the defense services at the pinnacle of patriotism was instilled with the idea that what the University can do towards the academic progression of the personnel in the tri services of the Indian armed forces. Most of them join the defense services with 10+2 Qualification and find very few opportunities for academic growth because of their professional commitments. In this context, Andhra University started extending support in their academic progression and to improve their opportunities for a respectable career post discharge from their Defense professional career. This culminated in the inception of a Centre for Defense Studies at Andhra University which was inaugurated on 7th December 2017 by the then Supreme Commander of Armed Forces and the Hon'ble President of India, Sri. Ram Nath Kovind. Andhra University has been actively involved in forging a strong bonding with the Indian Defense Tri-services in establishing inter institutional collaboration with the defense establishments with the aim of empowering the warriors of the nation with academic qualifications by award degree/diploma certification, affiliating defense training centers, joint education and research programme etc. The center offers pre-release courses for the Jawans nominated by the Directorate General of Resettlement, Ministry of Sainik welfare for award of certificate and diploma in the respective filed in which they are being trained on the University campus. The university affiliated some of the defense training establishments for the award of Degrees. Some of the senior officers registered for Doctoral research as Executive Cadre candidates. In addition the University has signed several MoUs with Kendriya Sainik Welfare Board, Indian Coast Guard, and National Cadet Corps etc. in the direction of providing opportunities for academic progression of the Jawans.