• Name :Prof. P. Suneetha
  • Designation : Head of the Department
  • Phone : 0891 2844634, 4633 , 2591438
  • Email: head.meteorology@andhrauniversity.edu.in

The Department of Meteorology and Oceanography, Andhra University is first of its kind in Southeast Asia to have initiated teaching and research programmes in Meteorology and Oceanography which is established in the year 1948 to educate the students in Oceanic and Atmospheric sciences. After 75 years of its fruitful service to the nation in the supplying of trained manpower, the department still occupies its unique position in India to offer advanced courses of national importance. In the recent years, the department is in collaboration with national and international institutions for research work. Significant contributions include: Identification and estimation of Upwelling zones in North Indian Ocean Dynamics involved in the formation of Sand-spit near Kakinada Internal waves generation and propagation using SAR images Real time prediction models for tropical cyclones of Bay of Bengal Statistical models prediction of seasonal rainfall of Indian monsoon Real time high resolution short range weather prediction for Andhra region Since its inception it has produced eminent alumni who contribute for the development of Meteorology and Oceanography at the National and International levels. For its meritorious services over the years the department was identified by DST-FIST sponsored department for strengthening the teaching and research in the fields of Meteorology and Oceanography. Added advantage comes as research institutions like ISRO,NIO,IITM,IMD,SAC,INCOIS,DRDO are in collaboration with the department.

? Inception : 1948. First in Asia to offer post graduate teaching and research programs in Meteorology and Oceanography.

Main contributors: :

  1. Prof. R. Ramanadham
  2. Prof. V.P. Subhrahmanyam
  3. Padmabushan Prof. P. Koteswaram

? The Department is pioneer in the training and education in Meteorology & Oceanography since 60 years


Sl.No Name of the Program
PG Programmes
1 M.Sc. (Meteorology)
2 M.Sc. (Physical Oceanography)
3 M.Tech. Atmospheric Sciences
4 M.Tech. Oceanic Science
Doctoral Programme
1 Ph.D. (Meteorology and Oceanography)

Name Designation Qualification Specialization
Prof. P.Suneetha Professor
Head of the Department & Chairman BOS for Department of Geo Physics
M.Sc., Ph.D Meteorology, M.Tech. Atmospheric sci. Air-sea interaction, climate modelling and extreme weather events
Prof. C.V.Naidu Professor & Chairman BOS for Department of Meteorology and Oceanography & Head of the Department of Geo Physics M.Sc., Ph.D Meteorology Tropical Meteorology and Monsoon Dynamics
Dr.V.Lakshmana Rao Assistant Professor (C) M.Sc., Ph.D Meteorology Fluid Dynamics and Dynamics of the Atmosphere
Dr. K Muni Krishna Assistant Professor (C) M. Sc., Ph.D Physical Oceanography Indian Ocean dynamics, Physical Oceanography
Dr. S.R. Rao Assistant Professor (A) M. Sc., Ph.D Physical Oceanography Indian Ocean dynamics, Physical Oceanography
Prof.S.S.V.S Ramakrishna Honorary Professor
Name Positions Held
Prof. P. Koteswaram  Padmabushan recipient, WMO expert
Prof. T.S. Murthy, Canada International authority on tsunamis
Advisor , Tsunami warning systems
Prof. D.B. Rao NCEP, Chief, Ocean forecast modelling,USA
Prof. T.N. Krishnamurthi, USA International ly reknownd scientist
C.G.Rossby Medal from AMS
Prof. V.B. Rao , Brazil Senior Scientist, INPE, Brazil
Dr. K. Rupa Kumar, WMO Expert, Climate change group
Dr. S.A. Hakeem Bureau of Meteorology, Australia
Prof. N. Jaganmohan Rao, WMO Expert
Dr. V.V.R. Varadachari Former Director NIO
Dr. B.M. Reddy Former Director, NPL
Chairman , PAMC and FIST programs, DST
Dr. P. Sanjeeva Rao  Advisor, SERC Division, DST
Dr. Y.S. Rama Krishna Director, CRIDA
Dr. R.R. Rao Add. Director, NPOL

On Going Research

S. No Title of the Project Funding Agency Budget
1 DST-FIST Head of the Department ( Principal Investigator ) DST 132
2 Impact of Arabian Sea warming on Indian summer monsoon rainfall - Role of air-sea interaction, Prof P. Sunitha ( Principal Investigator ) DST 32.12
3 Validation of weather extremes over Gangavaram Port using WRF model Prof. P. Sunitha ( Principal Investigator ) Gangavaram Port 15.88
4. Identification and monitoring rip currents at Rushikonda Blue-flag certified beach,Visakhapatnam Prof. C.V Naidu ( Principal Investigator ) SAC 16.83
5. Integrated Study of Hydrodynamic and Morphological Processes in Gautami Godavari Estuary using SWOT and Sentinel -3 Satellite Data. Prof. C.V Naidu ( Principal Investigator ) SAC 10.00
  1. Meteorological Electronics &Instruments Laboratory
  2. Synoptic Laboratory
  3. Computer Laboratory
  4. Physical Oceanography Laboratory

Chart Analysis

Computer Laboratory



Weather Observations by Instruments

Measuring the mean sea level pressure with barometers in the Meteorological Instrument Laboratory

Automatic Weather Station on the roof of the Department

Solar radiation measuring instruments on the roof of the Department

E-Learning Class Room with Smart Screen

DST-FIST SPONSORED Mobile Air Pollution facility and Automatic Weather System

Monitoring rip currents at Rushikonda


Disaster Management and Diploma Courses offered in the Department

Entrance test for Placements

World Meteorological Day Celebrations

Grand Alumni Meet