- Name : Prof.M.V.R.Raju
- Designation :PRINCIPAL (College of Science and Technology)
- Phone : (O) 0891-2844888
- Email:
Principal's Profile
MVR Raju, Senior Professor, Principal of Science and Technology and Head Dept of Psychology, Academic senate member, Director of Centre for Psychological Assessment and Counseling, Ex-Chairman of the Faculty of Science, Ex-In-charge Registrar, Ex-Dean of Academic Affairs, Ex-Faculty Chairman of Yoga and Consciousness, Ex-Chairman of Board of Studies Psychology Andhra University and Ex-Chairman Board of Studies Psychology Acharya Nagarjuna University, Ex-Board of Intermediate Andhra Pradesh, Ex-Academic Committee Member in National Institute of Public Cooperation and Child Development, New Delhi. He has 36 years of teaching and research experience. His areas of Specialization include Stress, Mental health, Special children, and counseling. Current President of the Indian Academy of Applied Psychology (IAAP), Editor and Scientific Board Member of the European Journal of Intellectual Disability Switzerland, Editorial Advisor of the International Journal of Indian Psychology, Editor of the International Journal of Psychosocial Research, Consulting Editor of Journal of Psychological Researches Madras, Editor Indian Journal of Developmental Disabilities, and Chairperson, NAAC Peer Team. He has authored 15 English and regional-language books, 14 Edited books, and 9 book chapters. He presented research papers at more than 92 national and international conferences, and 131 research papers (H-Index 58) were published in reputed national and international journals. 61 Ph. D's and 9 M.Phil.'s were awarded under his guidance. The Andhra Pradesh Honorable High Court of Judicature appointed him as an Expert Psychologist for D.V. George (2008). Freelancer for Deccan Chronicle, Times of India, The Hindu, Eenadu, Andhra Jyothi. Current Academic Board Member in National and State Universities. The current Paper Setter in different states and UPSC. Current National Council Member Babu Jagjivan Rao National Foundation, Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment New Delhi.
He is a recipient of many prestigious awards, Fellow of the Indian School Psychology Association 2024, Prof. K V Kaliappan Memorial Award for Best Researcher/Community Extension Work 2020, Prof. S C Sharma Memorial Best Researcher Award 2018, Best School Trainer Award 2017, Best Research Award 2016, NITTR and IAAP 2016, Platinum Jubilee Lecture(ISCA) 2016, Indian Psychological Association Presidential Gold Medal 2015, Life Time Achievement 2014, Sigmund Freud Memorial Best Psychologist 2014, Prof Anima Sen IAAP Memorial 2012, The State Best Teacher Andhra Pradesh 2009, The Best out Standing Contribution in Psychology 2009, Best Book Award 2008, Psychometric Testing Services 2007, Best Academician Award 2007 and Dr. Sarvepalli Radha Krishna Best Researcher Award Andhra University 2006. He has been actively involved in consultancy and 9 Major projects completed at the National and International level handled in Major Industries, HPCL Regency Ceramic, ANRAK Aluminum Limited, UGC, ICSSR and Adult Psychiatry Department, University Hospitals of Geneva Switzerland, GFATM R7 (Global Fund to fight AIDS, TB, and Malaria), APSACS and NACO are of major credits. Currently, 1 major project proposal was sanctioned (BPCL). He has organized 28 National and International Conferences and Workshops in the areas of Applied Psychology. He is an academic member of National and State Universities and Industries. He visited countries like the UK, Japan, Singapore, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka, Bhutan Nepal, Spain, Switzerland, Malaysia, Thailand, France, and Germany as part of his academic endeavors. He is a Resource Person and trainer in major public and private sector organizations.
With great wishes. Senior Prof.M.V.R.Raju.