Andhra University College of Science and Technology, a premier institute of higher learning, is a trendsetter in Higher Education and college Administration in many respects. The National Assessment and Accreditation Council of India has reaccredited at “A” Grade with a CGPA of 3.60 out of four point scale in 2016. The University got ISO 9001:2000 certification in 2006 and presently possesses ISO 9001:2017 certification for its quality standards. The college was started in the year 1931 as a combined college with Arts disciplines, with the noble ideals of promoting higher education in the region, fostering original research, creating and disseminating knowledge. To fulfill these objectives the college has taken all the necessary measures, continuously striving to keep pace with the advances in Science and Technology.
AUCST is a multi-disciplinary college offering varied courses in emerging areas that bear a direct relationship to advancement of Science and Technology, and economic growth and development of the society. The college has distinguished itself by starting many programmes, which are innovative and first of their kind in India. The University is strong in basic sciences like Mathematics, Physics, Chemistry, Botany, Zoology, Geology and Geography. The University is equally competent in applied sciences like Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Human Genetics, Environmental Sciences, Statistics, Geophysics, Geo-Engineering, Remote Sensing, Nuclear Physics, Meteorology, Oceanography, Nuclear Chemistry, Environmental Chemistry and Bioinorganic Chemistry. The college is unique in offering courses like Plant Cytogenetics, Parasitology, Marine Fisheries, Entomology, Human Genetics, Ionosphere Studies, Foods and drugs and water, Food Science and Technology. The college further is a pioneer in designing and offering programmes in Meteorology & Oceanography, Nuclear Physics, Nuclear Chemistry, Genetics and Petroleum Exploration.
The college is having 20 departments 4 Research centres and offering M.Sc. in 31PG programmes, along with Ph.D. programmes in 20 disciplines. In order to cater to the student diversity each and every department organizes orientation programs/induction programs for freshers. Distinctive approaches of teaching and learning are adopted to address the needs of learners. A system of blended learning, student mentoring, team building and organization of events and student involved academic programs have been implemented to ensure an inclusive academic ambience in each and every department. The college has developed central research facilities such as NMR Research Center, Analytical Research Lab and USIC.The College getting financial support to undertake research projects from agencies include UGC, AICTE, CSIR, DST, MHRD, DBT, Ministry of Earth Sciences, BARC, ISRO, ICSSR, NRB, DRDO, NSTL, NTPC, RINL, ONGC, etc. The majority of faculty members got Major Research Projects supported by National and International organizations. Many faculty members have received awards for their research contributions from Government, professional bodies and associations at National and International level. The college got 12 patents so far and awards on an average 125 Ph.D. Degrees every year. The number of books published and research articles published in peer reviewed journals with impact factor is significant in all faculties. Based on the research outcome of the college the Department of Science and Technology, Government of India awarded second phase PURSE Program. The college having a skill development centre sponsored by Avanti Group of Industries and the Genetic Laboratory sponsored by RINL. An innovation and incubation centre, TCab is functioning at Zoology department. The carculam in all programmes are modified periodically taking the needs of the National, regional and local needs. Conducting value added courses to the students is a regular feature of the college. More than 81% students got campus placements in this college in the academic year 2022-23.
Sir C.V.Raman, the noble laureate and Prof C.R.Rao the International Prize in Statistics (equivalent to Nobel prize ) winner were associated with this College. Several illuminating personalities such as Swami Jnanananda, Prof. B.R.Rao, Prof. Suri Bhagavantam, Prof. K. Rangadhama Rao, Prof. C. Mahadevan and others are associated with the college as old students, faculty and researchers.